Learn 20+ poses and start to improve your health and wellbeing with just 15 minutes of yoga a day for 5 days.

22ND - 26TH JANUARY 2022

Sign up for the FREE 5 Day Beginners Yoga challenge

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    Hannah Fraser

    Worker Bee Yoga Founder

    Hello, I'm Hannah

    I’ve been practising yoga for more than ten years. Last year I made the jump into teaching yoga and created Worker Bee Yoga to help people feel healthier and happier.

    My goal is to guide you to unlock the benefits of yoga for yourself. Everyone’s experience of yoga is different, and I hope to play a small part in your journey.

    Join me in this challenge to experience the benefits of yoga

    • Learn the basics of yoga
    • Start to feel the positive impact on your body and mind
    • Stay on track with accountability and support